Friday, August 27, 2010

update 101

Today I woke up, a little later than I wanted to, and Arly and I rushed to get ready so that we could get down into the cafeteria and sign up to work at Fashion Week in September. The sign-up was at 10, so we went down to eat breakfast anyway at 9 and grabbed our 'tickets' to get a place in line. I was #126, and after a long 2-hour wait, I signed up for September 8th Vanexiana production. I can't wait! Arly is doing the same, but on September 10th. Sean walked to my dorm after that, and we decided to walk to 5th Avenue, then Central Park to sit on a huge rock for a little bit, then back to 5th Ave, then on a craaazzy long 20+block search for gelato for him, then Vivo to get me salad, then the cafeteria to get him chicken tenders+waffle fries, then we took a nap at the dorm. When we woke up, I took a shower, while Sean talked with Arly and applied for Jobs online. This was my day in a nutshell! Tomorrow I'm meeting my parents at Chase Bank across the street to get a checking account for myself, then I think we're all going to Brooklyn for some reason. Hope this was a good update!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

apple update

This is my apple update. (And no, not the software). I mean the Big Apple! It's been a quick past few days, I've had a lot of registration meetings and residential life orientations, some of which were quite boring. Anyhow, everything is running VERY smoothly now! I love my roommate, Arly, I spent today with my wonderful boyfriend Sean (he's staying with my parents in the hotel until my birthday on Tuesday) and I don't have anymore meetings for the week! Yes! I'm so tired of them! I'm ready for school to start and to work my tail-end off getting to the top of my class ASAP. New York City is great, a little muggy and rainy, but great. (Plus, it's supposed to clear up). It feels so good to wake up and look out my window into the city and hear the cars and the busy streets, to walk outside and see everyone on there way to somewhere and something, and to feel apart of something so different but yet so much more comfortable than I've previously felt. I'm so glad Sean came into the city today, we went shopping in SoHo and ate dinner with my parents in the square. Tomorrow I'm hoping they'll all want to meet up with me for breakfast, and I don't know what we'll do after that. Maybe go to Greenwich. Anyhow, here are some pictures of my DORM!:

I will post more later, it looks a little different now, after my three packages arrived. Also, Arly and I need to get some good wall decor.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Well, here I am, New York City. I couldn't help but feel jittery as we drove into the city! In fact, my dad and I walked to the Bryant Market down the block from the hotel (I don't move into the dorm until tomorrow afternoon) to get some groceries, and I felt so independent, so free, and so good! I know it's early, but I've started my search for either a producer, songwriter, or other female singer on craigslist, haha. I want to perform as a side project while in school. Hopefully that works out. As for now, I'm here in the city, and can't wait for tomorrow :)

Monday, August 16, 2010


Spread upon the ceiling, to see right through mine eyes

I dream of the wooden

The dark chestnut trees

Loom over my hung head

In patience I'll see

I dream in warmth

The gold, the light

Pictures and people

Are outside the lines


He conjures a feeling

Plunged deep in my chest

I choose to hide

I choose to beat

The things I'll hold best


Deep, deep

My body runs deep

My mouth longs for feeling

My soul, stained I'll keep

The trees hanging higher,

The stretch of my dream

I will dip my feet inside

Thick fur of my sea

I've dreamed up my wooden

My lush, my vain, my hard

I write the words and keep the things

They've not gone too far

I'll keep trying, I'll push along

A sail boat to store

In my own sea, in my own place

To wash upon the shore


She conjures my motions

Locked up in my hands

I chose to catch

I chose to keep

Whatever she can't


Deep, deep

My body runs deep

My mouth longs for feeling

My soul, stained I'll keep

The trees hanging higher,

The stretch of my dream

I will dip my feet inside

Thick fur of my sea

don't copy me

I can't wait see how many people will start parting their hair in the middle now. I don't even go to Gresham anymore, haha. Yes, YOU, I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

i am baffled

I'm not one to judge... and I am STILL not judging... just confused:

toaster strudel vs. poptarts

I was struck by a commercial today, and have decided to blog about it. Toaster Strudel vs. Poptard, the debate. This is so random, but the commercial is just so blunt. A little girl grabs a pop tart and breaks it in half and the narrator is all, "Monotoooneblahhh whoo wants a gross Poptarrrrtblahhh," and then the little boy grabs a Toaster Strudel out of the toaster and it's all raspberry gooeylicious and has frosting in impeccable zigzags. See below:

The commercial just bugged me so much, because honestly, it's like, are you serious? Everybody loves Poptarts. I actually started to feel BAD for Toaster Strudel, they tried so hard. And the fell so flat! NO ONE WANTS A WARM JELLY. THAT IS NEVER A GOOD IDEA. This is why no one buys jelly donuts. All I have to say is, nice try, Toaster Strudel, nice try.

By the way, I have recently traveled in to untrampled territory this morning. 126.5 lbs. I HAVE NEVER WEIGHED THAT IN MY 7 YEARS OF DIETING. I was ecstatic, and clearly still am. Bye