Friday, August 27, 2010

update 101

Today I woke up, a little later than I wanted to, and Arly and I rushed to get ready so that we could get down into the cafeteria and sign up to work at Fashion Week in September. The sign-up was at 10, so we went down to eat breakfast anyway at 9 and grabbed our 'tickets' to get a place in line. I was #126, and after a long 2-hour wait, I signed up for September 8th Vanexiana production. I can't wait! Arly is doing the same, but on September 10th. Sean walked to my dorm after that, and we decided to walk to 5th Avenue, then Central Park to sit on a huge rock for a little bit, then back to 5th Ave, then on a craaazzy long 20+block search for gelato for him, then Vivo to get me salad, then the cafeteria to get him chicken tenders+waffle fries, then we took a nap at the dorm. When we woke up, I took a shower, while Sean talked with Arly and applied for Jobs online. This was my day in a nutshell! Tomorrow I'm meeting my parents at Chase Bank across the street to get a checking account for myself, then I think we're all going to Brooklyn for some reason. Hope this was a good update!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

apple update

This is my apple update. (And no, not the software). I mean the Big Apple! It's been a quick past few days, I've had a lot of registration meetings and residential life orientations, some of which were quite boring. Anyhow, everything is running VERY smoothly now! I love my roommate, Arly, I spent today with my wonderful boyfriend Sean (he's staying with my parents in the hotel until my birthday on Tuesday) and I don't have anymore meetings for the week! Yes! I'm so tired of them! I'm ready for school to start and to work my tail-end off getting to the top of my class ASAP. New York City is great, a little muggy and rainy, but great. (Plus, it's supposed to clear up). It feels so good to wake up and look out my window into the city and hear the cars and the busy streets, to walk outside and see everyone on there way to somewhere and something, and to feel apart of something so different but yet so much more comfortable than I've previously felt. I'm so glad Sean came into the city today, we went shopping in SoHo and ate dinner with my parents in the square. Tomorrow I'm hoping they'll all want to meet up with me for breakfast, and I don't know what we'll do after that. Maybe go to Greenwich. Anyhow, here are some pictures of my DORM!:

I will post more later, it looks a little different now, after my three packages arrived. Also, Arly and I need to get some good wall decor.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Well, here I am, New York City. I couldn't help but feel jittery as we drove into the city! In fact, my dad and I walked to the Bryant Market down the block from the hotel (I don't move into the dorm until tomorrow afternoon) to get some groceries, and I felt so independent, so free, and so good! I know it's early, but I've started my search for either a producer, songwriter, or other female singer on craigslist, haha. I want to perform as a side project while in school. Hopefully that works out. As for now, I'm here in the city, and can't wait for tomorrow :)

Monday, August 16, 2010


Spread upon the ceiling, to see right through mine eyes

I dream of the wooden

The dark chestnut trees

Loom over my hung head

In patience I'll see

I dream in warmth

The gold, the light

Pictures and people

Are outside the lines


He conjures a feeling

Plunged deep in my chest

I choose to hide

I choose to beat

The things I'll hold best


Deep, deep

My body runs deep

My mouth longs for feeling

My soul, stained I'll keep

The trees hanging higher,

The stretch of my dream

I will dip my feet inside

Thick fur of my sea

I've dreamed up my wooden

My lush, my vain, my hard

I write the words and keep the things

They've not gone too far

I'll keep trying, I'll push along

A sail boat to store

In my own sea, in my own place

To wash upon the shore


She conjures my motions

Locked up in my hands

I chose to catch

I chose to keep

Whatever she can't


Deep, deep

My body runs deep

My mouth longs for feeling

My soul, stained I'll keep

The trees hanging higher,

The stretch of my dream

I will dip my feet inside

Thick fur of my sea

don't copy me

I can't wait see how many people will start parting their hair in the middle now. I don't even go to Gresham anymore, haha. Yes, YOU, I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

i am baffled

I'm not one to judge... and I am STILL not judging... just confused:

toaster strudel vs. poptarts

I was struck by a commercial today, and have decided to blog about it. Toaster Strudel vs. Poptard, the debate. This is so random, but the commercial is just so blunt. A little girl grabs a pop tart and breaks it in half and the narrator is all, "Monotoooneblahhh whoo wants a gross Poptarrrrtblahhh," and then the little boy grabs a Toaster Strudel out of the toaster and it's all raspberry gooeylicious and has frosting in impeccable zigzags. See below:

The commercial just bugged me so much, because honestly, it's like, are you serious? Everybody loves Poptarts. I actually started to feel BAD for Toaster Strudel, they tried so hard. And the fell so flat! NO ONE WANTS A WARM JELLY. THAT IS NEVER A GOOD IDEA. This is why no one buys jelly donuts. All I have to say is, nice try, Toaster Strudel, nice try.

By the way, I have recently traveled in to untrampled territory this morning. 126.5 lbs. I HAVE NEVER WEIGHED THAT IN MY 7 YEARS OF DIETING. I was ecstatic, and clearly still am. Bye

Friday, August 6, 2010

new stuff

Got these today in the mail from Urban (the pants, in black). All I can say is GOOD BUYS. I did a good job. The pants are incredibly comfortable and fit me to a tee, and since they have actual pockets in the back, they don't make my backside look... HUGE. Unlike the pair I have from American Apparel... let's just say after passing by a 3-way mirror in Macy's one day, I never wear those again. In fact, I need to take them to buffalo. Also, I'm always so reluctant to wear white because I H8TE anything that's see-through... but the tank is perfect. Plus, the graphic is amazing, and it's on both sides.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

sean townley

Here he is :) The love of my life! Aren't I creepy? Haha this is my favorite picture of him, ever. I was just sitting here thinking about him, and so I'm just writing this for myself. Sean's at home, asleep right now :) He always sleeps in until around 1:30, because that's an hour before he works. Haha. Stays up all night and sleeps in all day :) I wish I could do that. Im a total morning person. Anyways... I miss him, and just want him to wake up, check my blog sometime today and see this cute little post about how much I love him and how excited I am for him to move clear across the country with me and for me. I love you, Sean!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

lazy days

I've had the past three days off from work, and let me tell you something, I do NOT want to go back. I am enjoying this so-called, "laying around", too much. Of course, I sat around this morning thinking of different foods I could make today, and obviously did not follow through with any of them. I just went to Safeway to pick up some groceries and brought home 2 steaks and 2 potatoes for Mom and I (Dad comes home from Boston tonight). I originally went to Safeway to pick up a bunch of meat and vegetables so I can start my no-carb diet tomorrow, 2 weeks before I leave for the City. I'll obviously continue it there, but I want to start slimming down beforehand. Walking around NYC all day while dieting will surely prepare me for fashion school! I planned out my meals for tomorrow and they are as follows:

1) Breakfast - Breakfast Essential powder mix with vanilla soy milk
2) Mid-morning snack - Cucumber slices with diced chicken, light mayo, and grated cheese
3) Lunch - Turkey & vegetable lettuce wraps
4) Mid-evening snack - Walnuts & a MediFast shake
5) Dinner - Grilled chicken breast with corn and smart butter

I've really let myself go... 5 lbs up in here. Too much La Caretta, starbucks, Nordstrom E-bar, and ice cream sandwiches. Time to cleanse! I can't wait!

Friday, July 30, 2010


So I've been remembering my dreams lately, because I've been writing them down on a notepad as soon as I wake up. I write down super weird things, too. Like, "shooting animals, end of world, rainbow sky, family, sean, perfect", etc. That was an interesting dream. The sky looked like the sky in Pandora in Avatar... I kid you not. But even better, which is a little confusing since my dream was about an apocalypse... a peaceful apocalypse. Hmph.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

lucid dreaming

Inception was a success! Sean and I tend to have very high standards for movies, especially when they are recommended by everyone, and given so much hype in general. Our most recent experience with that kind of thing was Avatar. We saw it so much later than everyone else it seems, therefore we had huuuuge expectations. It exceeded them, for sure. I wouldn't say Inception exceeded my expectations, but it definitely met them. Not that it wasn't good or anything, I was just caught off guard by the plotline. I thought it was going to be about something completely different!

Anyhow, watching a movie about dreaming was a little depressing, considering I never the simple pleasure of remembering any of mine. As soon as I got home, I jumped into bed and you guessed it... Wikipedia-d lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is the knowledge of dreaming whilst in one's dreams. If you have ever had a dream where you KNEW you were dreaming, that's what lucid dreaming is. I read up on different kinds of dreaming and different dreaming techniques, and have become quite avidly interested in learning to become a lucid dream, because it is indeed possible! The first step is to train yourself to remember your dreams, if that is an issue at all. This is definitely an issue for me! To help yourself remember your dreams, you're supposed to keep a 'dream journal' by your bed at all times, so as soon as you wake up from a dream, you write down what the dream was, who was in it, what it looked like, etc. Even one word helps, apparently. I tested this out last night, using one word to try and remember my dreams that so easily slip my mind! Unfortunately, I didn't write them down... I was NOT about to get out of bed and get some paper. But I do remember one of the two dreams I had. The subject of it, at least. I was at dinner. That's all I remember, but it's a start! This sounds really stupid, I know. But I've always felt really weird about not being able to remember my dreams. I want to be able to dream and remember them as well!

The whole lucid dream idea struck another chord in my head, why is it that I can't remember any of my dreams, yet I can remember a few vivid dreams of mine from my childhood? I remember a few, and it got me wondering why I remember them so well. I think maybe it's because they were so bizarre to me, that they never really left my train of thought. I decided to google 'dream symbols' last night, to see what those dreams meant, and maybe find the answer to why I remember them so well.

Dream 1: I'm sitting in a fetal position inside of a tree trunk. The inside of the tree trunk, from my vision and perspective, is really spacious, and is as big as any average-sized room. From the outside, the tree trunk is very small, resembling the size of a normal and ordinary tree trunk. (This is where it gets weird...) There is an old-fashioned clock sitting on top of the tree trunk, ticking away. Also, there's a bear standing on it's hind legs, walking around with it's hands on his hips in circles around the tree trunk, waiting for me to come out.
What I found: To see the trunk of a tree, signifies your inner sense of well being and personality. If the trunk is thick and large, then it denotes that you are a strong, rugged and durable person. If the trunk is thin and narrow, then it suggests that you are a highly sensitive person.To see a clock in your dream, symbolize the ticking of the human heart and thus is indicative of the emotional side of your life. To dream that you are being pursued or attacked by a bear, denotes aggression, overwhelming obstacles and competition. You may find yourself in a threatening situation.
These were vert interesting finds, in my opinion. The trunk was large inside, symbolizing my personal desire to come off as thick-skinned and confident, and on the outside, the trunk is smaller, revealing that I truly am highly sensitive, I just try to hide it. The clock probably represents my emotional side, and how it sits on top of my life, but I am hiding from it. (I tend to try and hide my emotions). As for the bear, I don't understand that part. I don't remember when I had the dream, all I know is that I was pretty young. I want to say 11 or 12?

Dream 2: I park my car in the middle of a forest, whilst in the rain. It's in the middle of the night, and I've parked outside of an abandoned store. For some reason, it's incredible muddy outside. I walk into the store, which is dimly lit. The entire store consists of only rows of refrigerated goods, no shelves or anything. On top of the few isles are misty clouds, and inside of the clouds are (ugh, I feel stupid) Tyrannosaurus Rex's, and they are watching me.
What I found: To dream of rain, symbolizes a metaphor for tears, crying and sadness. To dream that you are walking in mud, suggests that you are feeling weighed down by a situation, problem, or relationship. You are feeling frustrated. To see or be in a grocery or convenience store in your dream, suggests that you are emotionally and mentally strained. To see dark or stormy clouds in your dream, symbolize depression or anger. To see a dinosaur in your dream, symbolizes an outdated attitude. You may need to discard your old ways of thinking and habits.

I don't exactly remember what I'd have been 'sad' about when I was younger, and the mud doesn't strike anything for me as well. I always have felt stressed and emotionally strained, I've always had high standards for myself. The clouds probably were caused by my loneliness as a child, I was always too bossy to have a group of friends sleep over or anything like that. The dinosaur could also show my old-fashioned beliefs and strictness on not only myself, but others as well.

These were just interested finds for me in my hour-long REM sleep and lucid dream research. I usually don't become interested in anything like this, I'm not into fairies and gothic crests haha. I just wish I could remember my dreams, and so now I'm going to make an effort to try to. It's a privelege for humans to be able to escape as night into a world of their own creation, where impossible things can happen. I want to take part in it. Bye for now.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

more finds

It's been awhile, and I should probably write something. Before I critique hilarious Forever21 things... I'll update you. Work is good, everything else is good as well. Sean and I had about a month-long 'rut', but it's finally done and over with and now we're good as new, if not better. It sucks when him and I are both so stubborn.
Oh hey, my parents are apparently moving. They just made an offer on a house today, a B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. (<---Somehow this was hard for me to do) house.
Alright now let's get to those pieces... hold one while I find some...
Okay. First off.

Josie and the Pussycats struck a chord or two. I used to love that movie, and I just saw it on HBO the other day, and it was so cheesy. I just want to hear the designer for this piece's thought process: "Alright, so I was thinking maybe for fall we could come out with a tight, hot pink leopard dress with ruffles all down the side and ruffles around the neck." Who approved of this?
I'm so sorry, I just had to post this again. I'm just saturated in stupor.
So they say history repeats itself, and same goes for trends, most of them come back into play. However, I do not think cavewomen covered in algae from the waist down has counted as a trend in the past. Sea monster much? Maybe GaGa should take notes.
AHAHAHAHAHA. "LANDING STRIP". In cloth formation. Ohhhh man. Landing strip.
First I thought of Joan Cleaver, then I thought of Halloween, and lastly, I thought of Scooby-Doo. Ugh I had to Google how to spell Joan Cleaver. RETARD
Hahahaha okay so I found this one under 'Dresses>Career'. You will NOT have a career whilst in this dress. Or... okay maybe I can think of one :) heheh.
Have you guys ever made one of those birthday cakes with a barbie half way sticking out of it? To make like the cake is her dress?... No saving this.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

ugly finds

These are my ugly finds at this week, man this is entertaining, and quite easy, I must say.

Hmm... I am vaguely reminded of a lava lamp. I mean what would you wear this with? Honestly? I can't think of one single possibility of saving this article of clothing. Like, maybe you could cut it up and make socks out of it but that's def. the extent. Not much to say on this one.

Oh man, I feel like I'm on drugs with names I can't pronounce. No saving on this one either.
So you could either cut off all of the lace and the bow and wear this as a strapless underpiece, or you could use the bow as a hairband. That's about it.
Not a chance.
If only this was camel-colored with red/black plaid to resemble a cheap Burberry knockoff. Even if there was no plaid and the green was a little more pastel, it would def. be cute, a little too spring for the end of summer, but cute. Hm.
We do not live in the movie 'Barber Shop', and Queen Latifah is NOT talented.
Who ever can guess how many jelly beans make up this dress gets... this dress.

the hills finale

I knew it wasn't going to be very good, but I was still excited to watch it. Even though nothing happened. Same old, same old. The girls put on sparkly dresses, everyone goes to a club, an enemy shows up and someone leaves, they all wake up in the morning and talk about the night before, people meet for lunch, someone storms off, and then the entire process repeats. It's so addicting to watch! I wonder if Kristin is really going to Europe? Probably not. And what was with the whole ending with Brody and the backdrop coming up and showing the whole film crew? Weird.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

to do list

1) Buy Joe's Jeans because each employee must wear a pair on the first day of the anniversary sale. The only jeans that look 'my style' at $128. Mom? Dad? Where are you? Of course, they are black jeans. (I might as well get some good use out of them!)
I've been working a bunch lately, and it hasn't been too overwhelming. Except for today when the entire world decided to shop at Nordstrom right as I realized that it was 7:30, a full half-an-hour past when I was supposed to get off work. And on my way home I found out my car had been overheating the entire time. Word! :/

I found out who my roommates are! Arly is the name of one of them, and thank god she is normal haha. I can't wait to meet her. As for the other two, they're Facebook M.I.A., so we'll see how that goes.

What else is new and exciting at the moment... Hmm. I don't know, I haven't seen Sean in a few days. That's a downer, hopefully I get to see him tomorrow. I miss him :/ Jesi came in today, she said she was bored but quite obviously she just wanted to see me ;).

Oh I made my own hair spray. Kind of. It's sea salt spray. I've always wanted to try the "beach waves" look with sea salt but I didn't want to pay $40 for Bumble & Bumble, which would've probably been the best bet. I just took some sea salt from my kitchen and mixed in the water in a small Bath & Body Works perfume bottle I didn't really need anymore, and there you go! I sprayed it mainly on my roots, but a little all throughout. It worked!

I guess that's all, kbye.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

bad mood night

I feel like punching a wall. Or shoving my head in a blender. Or ripping my fingernails off. Or tearing my hair out. A couple of those may work out best, maybe a few combinations. We'll see.

Friday, July 2, 2010

latest purchases


I'm so sorry... but why would you shop at Forever21. Honestly.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

closing shifts

I always try and get ahead of the game and check the fitting rooms early, count the money in the register early, organize the tables and racks early, and do everything else a half hour before close, at 8:45, because it's always super slow. Then for some reason, all of the men in the world decide to go to Nordstrom at 8:45, 15 minutes before it closes. Soooo stressful. What would I do without the shoes department to baby me through the end of my shift.
I now have 2 days off. What to do, what to do! I'm going to see if Wutang wants to possible meet up, or maybe a couple of choir kids or something haha. I don't really have much to do, but maybe that's just what I need. I've kind of enjoyed keeping myself busy these past two weeks though... it just feels better.
Missing my Sean, and wishing we had more days off together. Our schedules conflict a lot, but I'm looking at it as a learning process. We can't always be together, and when we're not, we miss each other more. That makes finally seeing each other even better. I love him.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I'm really enjoying working at Nordstrom. I don't really want to leave. I usually haven't been one to speak to strangers that make no different to my life, but it's really interesting to actually meet new people every single day and hear their stories and different events in their life. Even if it's, "Oh, nothing... just shopping." (It mostly is... ) But some people are going to Mexico and to weddings, etc. Anyways, it will suck having to leave for school but oh well. It's becoming a great experience. I'm excited to work tomorrow, 1-CL.
Sean and I had a lovely evening together, we always do. He took a little longer closing at Starbucks, so I played basketball with his sister, Alex, until he came home. Then we just rested together and talked about the east coast, future plans, friends, life in general. I love just talking to him. He's my little prince and he's the only one to truly cheer me up. :)
What will tomorrow bring me? Let us see!

taylor lautner

Dear Taylor Lautner,
I watched eclipse last night. I was pissed as soon as I walked into the movie theatre, because Sean and I had to sit in the VERY front row, at the VERY far left. Not cool, so I was already in a bad mood to begin with. Then you started acting. Things just escalated from there. Why do they keep you in Twilight? You are so obviously NOT a good actor, and you make me laugh every time you open your mouth. I don't care you if you have muscles, they make you look like a fatty and you have a dog nose, no wonder they cast you as a werewolf. Bella will never love you, and p.s., you and Edward's bromance in the tent was GAY.
Sincerely, Allie

lauren conrad

Why do I feel like Lauren Conrad always looks like this? I'm pretty sure this picture is a little on the old side... and I just bought a People magazine and she's on the cover... with the exact same hairstyle and makeup. Probably the same outfit. No wonder she kicked herself off of her own show. Which reminds me... I missed The Hills AND The City last night. Shame...