Wednesday, August 25, 2010

apple update

This is my apple update. (And no, not the software). I mean the Big Apple! It's been a quick past few days, I've had a lot of registration meetings and residential life orientations, some of which were quite boring. Anyhow, everything is running VERY smoothly now! I love my roommate, Arly, I spent today with my wonderful boyfriend Sean (he's staying with my parents in the hotel until my birthday on Tuesday) and I don't have anymore meetings for the week! Yes! I'm so tired of them! I'm ready for school to start and to work my tail-end off getting to the top of my class ASAP. New York City is great, a little muggy and rainy, but great. (Plus, it's supposed to clear up). It feels so good to wake up and look out my window into the city and hear the cars and the busy streets, to walk outside and see everyone on there way to somewhere and something, and to feel apart of something so different but yet so much more comfortable than I've previously felt. I'm so glad Sean came into the city today, we went shopping in SoHo and ate dinner with my parents in the square. Tomorrow I'm hoping they'll all want to meet up with me for breakfast, and I don't know what we'll do after that. Maybe go to Greenwich. Anyhow, here are some pictures of my DORM!:

I will post more later, it looks a little different now, after my three packages arrived. Also, Arly and I need to get some good wall decor.

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